Places where Nikola Tesla lived - Nikola Tesla Wiki - Nikola Tesla Legend
Places where Nikola Tesla lived

Places where Nikola Tesla lived

Damir Kapustic

Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan near Gospic (Croatia), where he attended Primary school and finished high school in Rakovac near Karlovac in Croatia. He left his homeland to study at Polytechnic Institute in Graz, but he paused his studies to work in Maribor, Slovenia, for some time after his father's death to help his family.
In 1880 he moved to Prague to study Physic and Mathematics at Karl University and began his career as an engineer in Budapest, Hungary. Only a year later, he went to work for Edison’s Continental Company in Paris, but his work took him to Strasbourg.
Tesla's first contact with America happened in 1884. when he got a job in Edison’s company, but due to the unbearable differences, he left Edison, and found his first company. In 1892. he held lectures in London, and Paris stopped because of his mother’s illness and death. Tesla then visited his birthplace, Zagreb, Varazdin, Budapest, Belgrade, and Vienna.
The fire broke in his laboratory in New York in 1894. destroying all his apparatus, instruments, documentation, plans, etc., but he returned to New York in 1900. and built a laboratory and aerial on Long Island. In the meantime, he performed experiments with a high-frequency high-voltage current in Colorado Springs. New York stayed his home until he died in 1943. in the New Yorker Hotel. Tesla's funeral was held on 12 January.



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